Welcome to the Daily Podcast
28 Days Connection First Journey
Day 24, Connection to Place
Dear Friends,
During the days we spent together on this journey I did spend quite a bit of time at home, which is not my norm. So I was able to watch my apple tree grow into a full blooming state which looks like it's overloaded with snowballs.
I had many walks to the nearby hill called “Boll”, which has been left by the glaciers from the last ice age that made it all the way to here from the Alps.
From my Sit Spot, I can barely see the houses of the village, due to the grown leaves in the forest, where in the beginning of the journey I felt like I sat out in the open.
We had many new arrivals of birds in those days, like the Mönchsgrasmücke;-)
And I sold my Van, to a neighbor up the street, which has been on my side for the last 17 years. The neighbor has become a part of my growing connection to this place.
All of these little stories weave a wide web of connection to this place and those days, when I was on the 28 Days Connection First Journey.
Something for you to do:
Think about your journey over the past weeks. Go through your memories by visiting with each of your senses and all the places and beings you interacted with. What was strongest for you? How did this bring comfort or other gifts to your life?
And an beautiful extra for you:
Here’s the link to Cherokee Storyteller, Robert Lewis, sharing the story of the First Fire:
Journal Questions for Robert’s Cherokee Story:
How does this story bring up the spirit of how the trees are helping?
How is this story honoring and uplifting the gifts of people?
How does this part of the Cherokee Oral Tradition hold within its words and images, connection to place for the children who grow up listening to these stories again and again?
What stories do you have in your family lineage, or in the area where you live now that build connections with nature, other people and ourselves?
We love to hear your stories and love to weave them into the podcast.
Leave us a note in the Forum:
With much love for all the connections that have been growing,
Michi and Jon